Revolutionary Showerhead Technology Inspired by 200-Year-Old Discovery

It is remarkable that the concept behind today’s advanced showerhead technology is indebted to an Italian physicist called Giovanni Battista Venturi, born in Bibbiano, in Northern Italy in September 1746. The town of Bibbiano is world famous for making Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, but Venturi is still its most illustrious citizen, being the first scientist to observe how the law of fluid dynamics involving velocity and pressure, created the effect of sucking air into the primary flow of a gas or liquid. Known as the ‘venturi effect’, this 200-year-old discovery has found many applications across a range of industries, including wastewater treatments, crude oil pipelines and aerodynamics, yet the basic ‘venturi’ concept has remained the same and is still the science behind the design template of every aerated or air powered water showerhead manufactured today.